Depression and anxiety broke
I had anxiety as a child. I had anxiety as a teenager. I had anxiety as an adult. I had depression as a teenager. I had depression as an adult. At 17 I went crying to my dad at 3 AM saying “I don’t want to cut myself but I need to.” In 2017 I was suicidal. My anxiety was so bad I couldn’t drive for 6 months. But God wasn’t done with me; my story wasn’t finished. In 2017 I found out I had medication resistant depression. I had a chemical imbalance and my body would only metabolize 2 antidepressants. I got help. I saw a psychiatrist and counselor. 2020 I did counseling again with my pastor. That is when I dealt with generational curses. Every women in my family has depression and anxiety. My uncle died of suicide. What my forefathers/mothers didn’t bind in the blood of Jesus and break off the chains of, I was dealing with! See depression cursed my family. I read Free At Last by Larry Huch and broke those generational curses off. By the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary we a...